Please add new stations in Turkey

Please add new stations in Turkey

Yes, please do! Our database is populated by volunteers like you or by networks who share their data with us.

Many of the stations visible on the map do not appear in the API. Can you please add the stations on the map to the open API?

All of the stations that show up as a map marker are in our API results.

Can you provide a screenshot example of one that doesn’t show up in the API? You may be seeing map places of interest that are part of the underlying map such as MapBox?

Although ZES - Akra Barut Hotel DC Antalya station appears on the map, I cannot access this data in the API. Likewise, EŞARJ - Erasta AVM Antalya station appears on the map, but it is not available in the API. Please help me with this.
Ekran Resmi 2023-11-17 17.27.18

ohh. I’m sorry, it’s my mistake, they were all coming. Thank you for your attention :slight_smile: