IOS app not working (edit/add new charger)

Hi Christopher, I’ve noticed that iOS app (both iPhone and iPad) fails editing or adding a new charger. In the last panel, Submit button doesn’t do anything.

Web app works fine.

Thanks for reporting this. Our iOS app hasn’t been updated in a few years so there’s a possibility the latest version of iOS develops some incompatibility there. I presume you are filling out all the required fields like Address details etc?

Hi, Christopher, I’ve ckecked and all the address fields are there.

It fails submiting any modification, even uploading photos.

This just happens from a couple of days ago, before that IOS app worked fine

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Could you try signing out of the iOS app (from the menu) and signing in again? I’m wondering if the app credentials token has gotten stale and isn’t logging you out automatically.

Yes, that fixed the problem, thank you

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