How to edit / add charging networks?

I cant find any way to correct incorrect charging network information or add new networks.

When using and viewing charging location you can use the Edit button:

You can add locations using the Add Location menu option or by tapping the blue marker in the center of your map view.

Hi Christopher,
Thanks for the reply. I was referring to adding / editing network information for OCM rather than editing the network of a specific station/stall.


Ok, yes you just post on this forum and one of the administrators adds/edits the information. We don’t currently open that up for edits by all users although we probably should, given how many networks there are now.

I would highly recommend it based on the number of changes occurring in the industry.
Slightly off topic:

  • Is there any reason why changes wait for approval for 3 days before being automatically merged? Seems a bit inefficient to delay merging changes this long if the majority are auto-merged anyway, plus a bit annoying for users who probably want to see their changes straight away.
  • may I offer to become an editor for New Zealand?


Auto merging is a last resort and indicates that no editor actually reviewed your submission. We need a better system for editor notifications etc (we used to have that but our older server couldn’t cope with the required spatial subscriptions). I’ve enabled your account as an editor for New Zealand and I’ll process any existing edits you have.

Additionally if you happen to be a software developer there is plenty of opportunity to improve the system. We don’t really lack ideas, we lack fingers on keyboards.

Additionally if you happen to be a software developer there is plenty of opportunity to improve the system. We don’t really lack ideas, we lack fingers on keyboards.

I’m familiar with the situation, i have my own opensource projects. Will try to help where i can but i don’t have any experience with web development.

What i originally wanted to edit - hence the original question was:

  • Change to ChargeNet NZ
  • Add the “Zero” charging network operated by meridian
  • Add the ‘OpenLoop’ charging network OpenLoop

Thanks, those updates have been made now.

Thanks for that.
Can you also add the following networks:

Ok, those are added now.

Hi Christopher,
Would you mind making a few network updates:

I’m not sure of the best way to label the openloop network (the second largest in NZ). To my knowledge, all of the chargers in the network are owned and operated by Wel Networks, Counties Energy, thundergrid and Z energy. All the physical units are painted in their respective operators branding (some may have limited openloop branding), but the billing software and app is managed by OpenLoop.

This is quite different to how the ChargeNet network (largest in nz) works, where the majority are owned and operated by ChargeNet, with the exception of a few locations.

What’s the ‘correct’ way to label this mess.


Hi Christopher,

There are some Spain’s charging network updates:

  • IBIl (Es) network was acquired by Repsol (an oil company). All the stations have beed rebranded with new company logos. New network information:

  • Cargacoches network was acquired by Acciona (a construction company). All the stations have beed rebranded with new company logos. New network information:


Thanks, I’ve added those, I’d suggest adding them as Openloop - if that’s what the end user will interact with I’m not sure it really matters who the technical owner is. It suggests that there is room for improvement in our data model to have owner vs network… While there are probably many thousands of different equipment owners, the end user is only interested in which app/website they might need to register with.

Hi Christopher,

Would you mind adding two new network operators in Spain:

  • PowerDot (Es). (PowerDot is already in the list, but the information is for the French branch, in Spain it has different web and contact information)
    e-mail: [email protected]
    phone: +34 91 901 4816

  • ECpoints (Elec Charge Points)
    App: Place to Plug


Hi Christopher,

I forgot in the previous mail to add this operator in Spain:

web: - Soluciones para la recarga de coches electricos en empresas, parkings y garajes comunitarios -
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +34 932 64 1350
app: Go Veyond

Hi Christopher,

Would you mind adding a new network operator in Spain:

Electro-EMT: Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid
app: Electro EMT

@lmjgarcia thanks, those have been added now.

Closing topic, please just post a new topic for any new operators, otherwise everyone on the thread gets a notification.