Error in charger equipment type preventing from using in ABRP

Hello, the Montebello (address below) has been incorrectly listed as 3 phase AC, in should be listed as DC, and this is preventing it from being selected and used in ABRP (

I cannot edit the equipment myself and set it to DC.

There is a total of 3 stalls available, 1 50kW CCS/Chademo, and 2 100kW CCS/Cahdemo. See the following plugshare link for reference:

Thank you.

Nearest Address
502 rue Notre-Dame
J0V 1L0
Lat/Long: 45.64985 , -74.94192

UPDATE: The relevant charger has been successfully updated on the map (the other one is a duplicate).
Would it be wise to merge OCM-249233 with OCM-74047?

Thanks, welcome to the community! You’ll have gathered now that data edits are self service.

Regarding merging POIs, if they are indeed different locations then we keep them, if they are basically the same location then one needs to be removed as a duplicate (edit and change the status to duplicate).

Please don’t add comments for required edits, you have to make those edits yourself rather than leave them to someone else :slight_smile: