Cannot login for adding or editing locations

Thanks. AWS (our current server hosting provider) has a concept of "CPU Credits’ and if your server gets hit hard enough for long enough then you start to use them up. Once they’re all used up your server runs extremely slowly until the credits reset again. We’re currently trying to move away from AWS but I think they may have heard us. There is literally nothing we can reasonably do until the CPU burst credits reset, which could be a few hours or could be a day.

Ok, wait & see… :wink:
This is a great project and I want to contribute :slight_smile:
Do you have an ETA for moving to Azure ?

It’s likely to happen this month, thereafter we (should) have some free credits from Azure until June 2022, after that we will need to see.

Our primary API server (the one that handles logins) has been removed from the general API query pool this means that it will receive less traffic and can have time to recover. Logins should work but they may still be slow.

The side effect of this is that map loads/queries will put more strain on our other servers, so you may get more problems loading map results etc.

I think apps/sites using your data and making money with it should pay something…

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Well, we currently have over 1000 registered apps/services using the API for data (data is free, it’s providing it via that internet that costs money!), and a few of those do account for most of our API traffic, which is millions of queries per month.

It’s possible that we will introduce a fee structure for API heavy API consumers in the future as for most people this would be easier than trying to run their own API.

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So… I’m editing all existing Tesla Superchargers in France and I’m adding missing ones.
It’s slow, but it works :wink:
I have to wait for 3 days to see my editing on the map ? Correct ?
Do you have a Country Editor for France ?


Thanks Didier, I have made you an Editor for France so your edits will now only take a few minutes to appear.

Oh, great ! Thank you :blush:

Further to this, our website and API have now been moved to temporary infrastructure on Microsoft Azure.

Please raise any new issues you notice (such as repeatedly failing things).

Great news ! :smiley:

It’s very fast now. :+1:


I updated a lot tonight successfully. But right now the map doesn’t display any charging station anymore. Maybe I have to go to bed :sweat_smile:

Cloudflare is upset, I’ve switched it off for now and it should be working again :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s ok now. :+1:t2:
Time to sleep (1:24 am) :grimacing:

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Hi @Christopher.

The API is KO and return this message : HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. :frowning:


Thanks, it fell over overnight. We do have status monitoring setup but that doesn’t really make much difference if I’m asleep :slight_smile:

:sweat_smile: where are you ?

I edited all French Tesla superchargers with current power and added 10 missing ones.
There is a lot of work for Ionity network too as they are growing fast :wink:


Australia! :slight_smile: - I’m usually in the wrong timezone for everything.


Sorry to revive an old thread, but same issue. I can login to the web just fine but the app is giving an “email or password not recognized” error message

4 posts were split to a new topic: Service problem