V3 POI using c#

I’m getting results from all over the world from my query. Is there something I am doing wrong? I’ve deleted the key but it’s there when I send the query.

01-02 11:07:04.346 I/zygote ( 3969): After code cache collection, code=244KB, data=152KB
01-02 11:07:04.346 I/zygote ( 3969): Increasing code cache capacity to 1024KB
Thread started: #10
[0:] HttpRequestMessage REQUEST MESSAGE: client: PlugEVMe
latitude: 53.5101433333333
longitude: -2.22740333333333
distance: 10
distanceunit: KM
maxresults: 1
verbose: true
User-Agent: PlugEVMe
Accept: application/json

[0:] HttpResponseMessage RESPONSE MESSAGE: Method: GET, RequestUri: ‘https://api.openchargemap.io/v3/poi/’, Version: 2.0, Content: , Headers:
client: PlugEVMe
latitude: 53.5101433333333
longitude: -2.22740333333333
distance: 10
distanceunit: KM
maxresults: 1
verbose: true
User-Agent: PlugEVMe
Accept: application/json
[0:] HttpResponseMessage RESPONSE MESSAGE URI: https://api.openchargemap.io/v3/poi/

Here is an example of what I’m getting back.

[0:] [
“DataProvider”: {
“WebsiteURL”: “http://openchargemap.org”,
“Comments”: null,
“DataProviderStatusType”: {
“IsProviderEnabled”: true,
“ID”: 1,
“Title”: “Manual Data Entry”
“IsRestrictedEdit”: false,
“IsOpenDataLicensed”: true,
“IsApprovedImport”: true,
“License”: “Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)”,
“DateLastImported”: null,
“ID”: 1,
“Title”: “Open Charge Map Contributors”
“OperatorInfo”: null,
“UsageType”: {
“IsPayAtLocation”: false,
“IsMembershipRequired”: true,
“IsAccessKeyRequired”: true,
“ID”: 4,
“Title”: “Public - Membership Required”
“StatusType”: {
“IsOperational”: true,
“IsUserSelectable”: true,
“ID”: 50,
“Title”: “Operational”
“SubmissionStatus”: {
“IsLive”: true,
“ID”: 200,
“Title”: “Submission Published”
“UserComments”: null,
“PercentageSimilarity”: null,
“MediaItems”: null,
“IsRecentlyVerified”: true,
“DateLastVerified”: “2020-01-02T09:28:00Z”,
“ID”: 146212,
“UUID”: “991603FB-7412-4A00-958E-02E60D6C2D50”,
“ParentChargePointID”: null,
“DataProviderID”: 1,
“DataProvidersReference”: null,
“OperatorID”: null,
“OperatorsReference”: null,
“UsageTypeID”: 4,
“UsageCost”: “0,43 €/kWh”,
“AddressInfo”: {
“ID”: 146564,
“Title”: “Via Del Tonale E Della Mendola”,
“AddressLine1”: “Via Del Tonale E Della Mendola”,
“AddressLine2”: “Piangaiano”,
“Town”: “Endine Gaiano”,
“StateOrProvince”: “Bergamo”,
“Postcode”: “24060”,
“CountryID”: 112,
“Country”: {
“ISOCode”: “IT”,
“ContinentCode”: “EU”,
“ID”: 112,
“Title”: “Italy”
“Latitude”: 45.788356484518147,
“Longitude”: 9.9952716128731254,
“ContactTelephone1”: null,
“ContactTelephone2”: null,
“ContactEmail”: null,
“AccessComments”: null,
“RelatedURL”: null,
“Distance”: null,
“DistanceUnit”: 0
“Connections”: [
“ID”: 203166,
“ConnectionTypeID”: 25,
“ConnectionType”: {
“FormalName”: “IEC 62196-2 Type 2”,
“IsDiscontinued”: false,
“IsObsolete”: false,
“ID”: 25,
“Title”: “Type 2 (Socket Only)”
“Reference”: null,
“StatusTypeID”: null,
“StatusType”: null,
“LevelID”: null,
“Level”: null,
“Amps”: null,
“Voltage”: null,
“PowerKW”: 22.0,
“CurrentTypeID”: 20,
“CurrentType”: {
“Description”: “Alternating Current - Three Phase”,
“ID”: 20,
“Title”: “AC (Three-Phase)”
“Quantity”: null,
“Comments”: null
“ID”: 203167,
“ConnectionTypeID”: 25,
“ConnectionType”: {
“FormalName”: “IEC 62196-2 Type 2”,
“IsDiscontinued”: false,
“IsObsolete”: false,
“ID”: 25,
“Title”: “Type 2 (Socket Only)”
“Reference”: null,
“StatusTypeID”: null,
“StatusType”: null,
“LevelID”: null,
“Level”: null,
“Amps”: null,
“Voltage”: null,
“PowerKW”: 22.0,
“CurrentTypeID”: null,
“CurrentType”: null,
“Quantity”: null,
“Comments”: null
“NumberOfPoints”: 2,
“GeneralComments”: “Operatore Wroom, scaricare la app”,
“DatePlanned”: null,
“DateLastConfirmed”: null,
“StatusTypeID”: 50,
“DateLastStatusUpdate”: “2020-01-02T11:07:00Z”,
“MetadataValues”: null,
“DataQualityLevel”: 1,
“DateCreated”: “2020-01-02T09:28:00Z”,
“SubmissionStatusTypeID”: 200

Also, I gave it bounding box coordinates. which are still in England

i was getting results from mexico and the usa.

is the polyline request, the only one that’s working right now?

i’m not sure what is wrong. but this also gives me results all over the EU.

Thread started: #14
[0:] HttpRequestMessage REQUEST MESSAGE: client: PlugEVMe
distance: 10
distanceunit: KM
maxresults: 1
verbose: true
polyline: i`xfId{wMztjA{tjA
Accept: application/json

[0:] HttpResponseMessage RESPONSE MESSAGE: Method: GET, RequestUri: ‘https://api.openchargemap.io/v3/poi/’, Version: 2.0, Content: , Headers:
client: PlugEVMe
distance: 10
distanceunit: KM
maxresults: 1
verbose: true
polyline: i`xfId{wMztjA{tjA
Accept: application/json

Hi sorry for the delay in replying, I’m travelling currently.

You need to use query string parameters to filter data, not http headers.


Yes thanks. I finally realised that a couple days ago. I’m getting results now :slight_smile: