Not working on Chrome?

Hi everyone, im klippo from France i to embed a map on my website with iframe, but on google chrome i have always a blank page, in the console the message is : forbiden
On edge or opera or firefox it work very well.
What i do wrong ?
Thank for your help


It’s hard to tell without a link but here is an example iframe embed, note that for some browsers you need to explicitly allow geolocation :

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" allow="geolocation" style="width:100%;height:600px"></iframe>

Ok thank for your answer here the test link
Only for chrome not working

Working in Chrome for me:

As an aside I noticed you’ve cloned the app as well - possibly an experiment you were working on, note that to use the app directly (or customise it) you need to configure a mapbox api token and add it to then build it (node: ionic build --prod)

Ok ill try to delete all my cookie lol
Thank for your help :+1:

here the solution : simply disallow blocking cookies from third part !! on parameters from chrome

Which version of chrome are you running? Is it a beta version?

The embed map will set cookies for and, that’s pretty standard but we maybe need to adjust a content security policy.

The latest version updated monday