Many POI missing. Need help to check locations missing

Hi all,
I have been developing an (Open source) app and with it I can compare databases. When comparing the level3 entries in the OCM database with another -unnamed- source I am getting many possible POI of interest which need to be verified. Perhaps I need better filtering, but I think it’s a start in getting the database better filled. Since the data of the other source may not be ‘copied’, I think a suggestion on where to find an unknown POI ( quick chargepoint, CCS or ChaDeMo in my filter ) will be general enough.
Perhaps someone can do a check in the region they live in. If you want another area…let me know.
Let me know if there is any interest in finding / improving POI.
( colored circles are OCM, blue markers are unknown POI )

London Zoo area

France, west coast

I live in the Netherlands, and will try and add some POI around me. But when the delta list of POI ( missing quickcharge locations ) is somehow usable, I have more than 7000 entries to check. Again, when I need to improve filtering to take out private locations etc. I will…
The OCM gives me 28000+ POI of CCS and ChaDeMo entries using a connection type filter 2,22,33,32
But still I have more than 7000 possible mismatches ( POI ) . I use some logic of partial name search and distance between the OCM locations and the possible POI. This doesn’t show the exact location ( zooming out moved the marker ) but a zoomed in map screencopy of your region might assist all the contributors to find the missing poi.

Hi, the open charge map actually has a Layer option (Settings > Enable Advanced Editor Options) where you can import a list of POIs and overlay then on the map, it’s experimental but you might like to try it. It currently only supports POIs in the OCM model format (it will hydrate relationships like connector type based on id on load etc) but you might find it interesting. It wouldn’t provide much difference to your own app however.

Regarding the mismatches, I don’t really understand the question or what you mean by “mismatches” - are our connector type wrong somewhere? If you have an example OCM POI we could perhaps try to trace it back to either an import or a manual data entry. If we are missing data you would need to confirm it’s not present by removing your filter (there is no guarantee the correct connection type is used in our database)

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Hi Christopher, I will adjust my app and also create back out a json file like yours, thanks: will try and see what (mis)match will occur :grinning: . Concerning the mismatch: that is what I call a POI that is not close ( x meters ) away and or has to different name, to be considered as an interesting POI to take a look at. Can we use this experiemental feature also to do the upload? In my ‘mismatches’ I have over 7000 entries CCS and ChaDeMo ( I am only interested in quickchargers ) that get my attention as ‘mismatch’ :grinning: and are just too many to do manual myself. But due to the open source data model you have we need make these POI a manual input to comply with open source data. If you want to chat / talk / share ideas let me know here or otherwise.

Add Layer:
I have made a json file the preview data import showing 7000+ entries, but nothing shows, so want to try? How can I send you the json file?

Most likely I do not fullfill all criteria to upload, but the preview of data is working, so I thought it would :grinning:

OCM map next to my map to compare ChaDeMo entries possibly interesting to find out as a point of interest (POI)

The blue markers on the right (SAEN app ) are showing POI that might have a location of interest (ChaDeMo).
SHowing UTRECHT NL ( WHere I am currenlty parked :grinning: )

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