I get an error API requests by robots are temporarily disabled.

When I make a request using Postman, I don’t get an error, but when I make a request with the http package inside the dart language, I get status 200 and {“status”:“error”,“description”:“API requests by robots are temporarily disabled.”}. I’ve tried sending my key in different ways, but I haven’t been able to send a successful request for hours. Thank you for your help

Hi, try changing user User Agent header. Unfortunately some user have kept the Postman user agent enabled in their production code, then abused the API. I’ll see if we can lift that restriction.

Just re-read this and you’re not using postman but you do still need to set a custom User Agent header. Our API goes via Cloudflare and they will have their own definition of what constitutes a robot based on user agent selection.

Thank you, I have set myself a user agent and I will continue to use it. :innocent: